Image by Alistair from Pixabay
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!The heading – ‘the wind and the waves obey him ‘- was a submission of wonder among the disciples. It was not an assumption but a clear wonder and a cause for critical evaluation of the manner of man who Jesus is.
The scripture says: Mark 4:39-41~He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”
The waves came upon the ship conveying Jesus and his disciples to the other side of the sea and Jesus was in such a deep sleep that the disciples needed to wake him up. In other words, the storm could not wake him up. This is ridiculous.
We love hearing the stories but maybe we do not want to make it a reality because it sounds too big to be true. The nature obeys his commands. Creation bow to his words. And we are a part of this body with Jesus as the head. Why do we still need to be terrified by the storms of this world?.
Commanding the heavenly authorities requires a conscious realization of the person we have become.
The storms of life are never going to end one day. Some people have heavy accusations upon their head while some are in a financial dilemma. Some people are having mental health problems while some others are looking for a job.
Your mum is sick, you are afraid you won’t finally raise that stubborn child to become who you can be proud of. Your marriage is breaking down and your rent is expiring so soon. You are trusting God for a life partner but it seems you are invisible. You are suffering from one sickness that has refused to go. No matter what storms are going on in your life right now, I want you to understand that Jesus has heard your prayers and he wants you to sleep over them. Find peace!.
I am not saying you should stop praying over them. It is important to know that Jesus is troubled because you still have not figured out the manner of man he is. You still do not have faith.
Finding peace in the midst of storms is a kind of blessing particular of the kingdom of heaven. He was at peace on the stern and was sleeping over the storms. His disciples may have been angry at him that when he woke up he considered the situation not worth his sleep. He was still looking perplexed and they shouted “do you not care that we perish?” Why sleep in the storm?
These things prevent us from experiencing the beauty of his worship and seek our detachment from the kingdom of heaven. We are still on earth, therefore, we are only given a little opportunity to experience the kingdom of heaven through our worship and even through our rests and sleeps. Nature always pose distraction in forms of storms.
It is good you discover that what is more important to us as Christians is the kingdom of heaven. In seeking this shall we gain the earth and all it’s fullness.
May God give us the grace to find peace in the midst of storms in the name of Jesus. Amen!