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We are a peculiar people, a holy nation and partakers of the kingdom. But among the people are those afflicted by demonic sicknesses who are looking for help.

I realized that the most powerful gift which Jesus worked with was the gift of compassion. Many people came to him for many reasons bothering afflictions and sicknesses and he was moved with compassion to heal them.

Today, it is considered extremely  religious to have the desire to go through the activation of the gift of compassion in our lives. Something has to force a human being to be compassionate; maybe a word of order from a prophet to always give if you want to get. And then you are compassionate because of a principle that may favor you not because of a divine call for compassion. No one wants to be compassionate for the reason of simply reflecting the nature of God. It comes with a heavy task but a lighter load.

And so a lot of selfish desires compel people to do a good to the end that they will be better. This is also a principle of the teachings of Jesus but basically looking at the life which Jesus lived, he was compassionate without any condition. His compassion reflected the basic nature of God.

Lack of genuine compassion generally brings about negligence and selfishness. Everyone without compassion overlooks everything that is going wrong around him to focus on his own life to the end that he will become better than others.

One of the reasons why the Jewish leaders, the chief priests and the scribes did not welcome the messianic claims of Jesus – upon having proofs of miraculous and historical evidences – was because they were without compassion. They wanted that the Messiah would save them from the Roman ruler-ship but within are numerous afflictions and sufferings even among God’s people which compassion would have solved.

Mathew 23:2-4~The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat. Therefore, be careful to do whatever they tell you, but do not follow their example, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy burdens that are difficult to bear and lay them on the shoulders of others, but they will not lift a finger to be of assistance.

Jesus deemed it necessary to restore what was neglected to the end that the light of the kingdom of God would shine among men. Instead of compassion the rulers of the synagogue who were also afflicted became concerned about the wicked traditions of men and how it must be upheld.

People were killed for reasons of fornication when their killers were also guilty. Prophets were murdered for prophesying and even Jesus was crucified.

There came a synagogue ruler who was named Jairus to Jesus with a message that his daughter was sick. Before Jesus could get to Jairus’ house, her daughter was dead but Jesus continued with him to his house. When he got to his house, he walked into the room where the child was laid and took her by the hand and said ‘beautiful damsel wake up’; and the damsel came alive.

Jairus a ruler of the synagogue, probably a Pharisee was also afflicted and needed the services of Jesus. He was also a witness to the miracle of Jesus raising her daughter from death. But why did Jesus answer his call knowing all their rebellion about God?

There is a reflection of God that must be captured in the life of every christian; and that is compassion. It supersedes all political disagreements and life perspectives. It does not matter what one’s religious views are. Compassion saves you from deviating from your purpose on earth. It keeps reminding you that you are in the world for the purpose of humanity even in the most difficult times.

The easiest way to not be carried away by pleasures and lusts of the world is having compassion. We can take this seriously, it lightens our burden. May God nourish us with compassion.



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