When they heard about resurrection of the dead…ACTS 17:32 June 15, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay The nature of the message we have about Jesus is such that 'believe' preceeds understanding…
the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to…Acts 16:7 June 15, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay Power has a supernatural ability to intoxicate. When someone contacts power, he/she becomes difficult to…
The people read and were glad, it’s encouraging…Acts 15:31 June 14, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by Pexels from Pixabay In every organization, be it a church, a school, or a company, there are always going…
The gods have come down to us…Acts 14:11 June 14, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by Daniel from Pixabay You may have been in such a situation where you think you are making progress only…
Now the hand of the Lord is against you…Acts 13:11 June 12, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay The glorious thing about the gospel of Jesus is that it comes with power and…
This is the voice of a god, not of a man…Acts 12:22 June 10, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay God did not give us any limit of living. The most interesting thing in this…
As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit came on them June 9, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by JCH from Pixabay One thing that we do not know is why the Holy Spirit is unpredictable. At a…
Your prayers and gifts to the poor…Acts 10:4 June 8, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by Pexels from Pixabay One day a friend posted on his Facebook timeline; he wrote, "good works are not enough,…
About that time she became sick and died…Acts 9:37 June 7, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by Hữu Thanh Cái from Pixabay It is good to know that one thing about peace is that you expect…
something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes…Acts 9 :18 June 5, 2023Posted insermonNo Comments Image by Vandy Louw from Pixabay Our journey as believers involves breaking down of strong forces - both physical and spiritual…