Image by Quang Nguyen vinh from Pixabay
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Mark 7:13~Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
I was a bit shocked to learn from Jesus that the word of God can be rendered ineffective. This is something that a large number of Christians are guilty of nowadays.
The nature of man detests hard work. Men are always poised with the desire to find the easiest way to do things. This may be why no single man has the capacity to fulfill the law of God except Jesus.
Our weaknesses as men was exactly what Jesus died for. For this reason, Jesus was a brute personality against the Pharisees.
Jesus had died for our sins and the mysteries of God have been revealed even to the gentiles. It did not change the fact that the word of God can be made of no effect by your traditions.
There has been a lot of principles in recent time that has undermined the word of God in our lives.
I was watching a young girl on social media who was practically saying in more than a five minutes video that prayer is useless and cannot save anybody. She may have understood success as riches and having a thriving economy like various developed countries. To her best of knowledge those countries pray less than most third world countries.
I have not really read of Jesus or heard him say that the reason why we pray is because we want our country developed. In my personal experience of prayers, It edifies my soul and equip me with various anointing and powers to fight the kingdom of darkness. In other words it draws me closer to God. You may spend a billion years finding the correlation between prayers and economic development; trust me, you cannot find any. If you want to develop economically, employ good patterns of economic development. You will always get results, either positive or negative.
Some men of God mount pulpits to teach traditions of men and undermine the power of God unto deliverance and salvation. This has become the worst intrusion of the devil because it will lead to a point where people will see no need to pray since everything is moving to their plans.
Where you get your information also matters. If God says he has good plans for you but you choose to get narrative from a school of thought that says ‘God is not necessary’, you may have made God’s plans of no effect.
Believing in every word that comes from God and obedience to the word are the only ways to get the word of God working effectively in our lives. You may want to stop watching comedy skits that try to defame God by sharing carnal stories. God is without any deficiency.
Avoid unnecessary religious arguments and seek to work things the way of God. There is no peace like peace gotten through obedience. Do not add your own or try to help God. He is the author of lives and destinies and he needs no explanation from man on what his kingdom should represent.
Do not replace what God said with what man said. Do not paraphrase it or try to make it figurative.
May we succeed all fiery darts of the enemy.